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Vision: To Honor the Name of Jesus in the Open because it is the Name that has All Authority in Heaven, on Earth and below the Earth.

Mission: To gather the body of Christ in a celebration of the Name of Jesus that will attract the lost to know about the Love, Joy and Salvation of Jesus Christ. Plus, to strengthen the bond between the brethren through a collaboration that will Shout to the four corners of the earth that Jesus is Our Only Hope in Tough Times.

Location: Lincoln Park (4001 Durazno Ave. El Paso, Tx 79905)

Date: September 24, 2022

Event Time: 12pm - 6pm

Event Activities:

● Music of all Genres to Honor the Name of Jesus plus testimonies.

● Water Baptism (Tentative)

● Free Food for the Community (Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chips and Soda)

● Free Services and goodies from Community Vendors plus a list of services that the Community Vendors can provide the community after the Event

● Free goodies from Participating Churches

● Lowrider car show

● Jumping Balloons (Tentative)


● To give Praise, Honor and Glory to the Name of Jesus. (There is Power in the Name)

● To Strengthen the Bond between the Body of Christ in El Paso Tx through a unified collaboration of Churches that gives Honor and Glory to the Name of Jesus.

● To pour gasoline into the Fire all Born Again Christians that participate in order to increase the desire to share the Gospel to others. (If every Christian in El Paso becomes a personalized Evangelist to one person it will turn our city completely to Christ)

● To allow each Churches to share the Gospel on a one-on-one basis to every person that approaches their tent.

● To allow the Churches to share with the community the ministries that they have that help the community and invite them to their Church.

● To allow the Community Vendors to share with the Community their services.

● To Grow this event into a Parade that leads to a Festival by 2024. 

We had such a Great Fellowship Meeting with the Leaders for this “Movement of God”. In his presence we praised and worshiped the almighty God!


Here are some posts and pictures from what has transpired since we began to let God move and put this together. 


Jesus in El Paso Committe:

 Our prayer is that thousands will gather in the name of Jesus at this “Movement of God”!

 Whether it’s at your church, neighborhood, local park, etc. anywhere the Holy Spirit moves you to reach out, you can count on our complete support, with prayer, encouragement, drive, motivation, and hands-on support, we are here to help keep this “Movement of God” transforming this city into the Kingdom of God.


We are all members of the body of Christ as 1 Corinthians 12:27 states – 

“Now you [collectively] are Christ’s body and [individually] you are members of it, each part severally and distinct [each with his own place and function].


Oscar Alvarado: 

Bendita Familia a medida que nos acercamos a la fecha de este monumental "Movimiento de Dios" pedimos sinceramente sus oraciones y apoyo. Todavía hay muchas cosas que necesitan ser atendidas y asignadas - recuerda lo que dijo nuestro Señor y Salvador, "este género no sale, sino con oración y ayuno". Si queremos voltear alreves a nuestra ciudad para Jesús, debemos "orar y ayunar" fervientemente, "no con ejército, no con poder, sino con mi Espíritu, dice el Señor de los ejércitos".


Jorge Ochoa:

 Family in Christ, the Holy Spirit is moving for us to get a bigger stage. Let's all unite in Prayer because we all know that we Fight Standing Tall on our Knees.

"For with God, Nothing Shall Be Impossible." Luke 1:37

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